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Classic Engines, Modern Fuel

Classic Engines, Modern Fuel

Supporting Children

Royalties & Donations

The royalties from the book Classic Engines, Modern Fuel are being used to support school children in Kideleko, a village in Tanzania.

In January 2021, book bags, pencils, etc. were given to over 800 children in two schools.
You can see pictures here. There is also a YouTube video. It is humbling to see all the children and how happy they are with their things. Please don't forget to like the video or add a comment.

Please give a donation no matter how small.
All the money collected will go towards this project.
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Anglo American Oil


Enrichment Effect

The enrichment effect has been seen on a rolling road in a Lotus Europa. Classic Engines, The book Classic Engines, Modern Fuel helped resolve the problem. See this bulletin board thread.


Another possible additive that may improve the way a classic engine runs on modern petrol. Acetone. See this bulletin board thread.

Classic cars and motor bikes and modern fuel do not go well together. There many real problems that can result in serious damage to an engine or the components of the fuel system. The addition of ethanol to petrol is a real worry.

Look at the before and after pictures below. It is hard to believe these pictures were taken only 6 months apart

Picture showing the effects of ethanol blended petrol

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misleading information and speculation on the Internet about the effects of modern fuel. In order to find out what was really important, a set of tests were run on a classic engine using the facilities at Manchester University. These are the most comprehensive set of tests ever run on a classic engine.

The results of the tests, background information on engines and carburettors and suggested solutions to the problems have been published in a book Classic Engines, Modern Fuel. The Problems, the Solutions. This is a must read for any classic or old-timer vehicle owner.

The website supports the book. It hosts:

  • A bulletin board allowing owners ask questions and share information. It is organised along the lines of the chapters in the book
  • The shape of the ignition advance curve is very important. A section allows owners to plot and share advance curves for their vehicles.
  • A section that allows owners to share information about the best brand or type of fuel to use in their classic vehicle.
Picture of book
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